Trisha Koster
224 Barry St. Grandville Mi. 49418
Objective: To be a High school Resource Room teacher.
High School Diploma
NorthPointe Christian High School, Grand Rapids Mi, 2009
Graduated top ten in my class
Bachelors Degree
Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids Mi, 2013
Bachelors Degree
Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids Mi, 2013
Teacher Related Experience:
NorthPointe Christian High School, Grand Rapids, Mi 2007-2010
X Tutored Middle School and High school students in specific subject areas with homework and test preparation.
Student Observation Practicum
Grand Rapids Area Schools, Grand Rapids, Mi 2010
X Observed and assessed what an efficient classroom looks like.
Sunday School Teacher
Ada Bible Churh Cascade, Mi 2006-2009
Every Sunday I would lead a small group of first grade girls.
Every Sunday I would lead a small group of first grade girls.
Sabaoth Ministries 2010
X Taught Hispanic students anywhere from kindergarten through 8th grade how to read English.
Power House Ministries 2009
Developed lessons and tought a Bible story to inner city students in elementary.
Developed lessons and tought a Bible story to inner city students in elementary.
Camp Ao-Wa-Kiya Shelby, Mi 2006
X Was a camp counselor and responsible for 10-12 elementary school girls for two weeks.
X Instructor for the rock climbing wall.
Work Experience:
For several different families Grandville, MI 2003-Present
NorthPointe Christian High School Grand Rapids, MI 2006-2010
Every day after school I would work with students from elementary to high school in any subject they needed help with.
Every day after school I would work with students from elementary to high school in any subject they needed help with.
Seymore family Grand Rapids, MI 2009-Present
Tour guide
Cornerstone University Grand Rapids, MI 2010-Present
Volunteer Activities:
Small group Leader
Ada Bible Church Cascade, MI 2006-2009
X Every Sunday I would spend about an hour leading a small group of first grade girls and discussing the Bible lessons.
Sabaoth Ministries Grand Rapids, MI June 2010
X Spend time with inner city Hispanic students.
Power House Ministries Grand Rapids, MI December 2009
X Hang out with inner city kids for about two hours to serve as a mentor for them.
Camp Ao-Wa-Kiya Shelby, MI 2006
X I assisted a group of elementary girls with recreational activities and small group devotionals.
National Honor Society Grand Rapids Area, MI 2008-2009
X Helped inner city after school programs and food pantries.
Personal Interests:
Sports, reading, music, family, and friends.
To view my newsletter, please go to the site below.
To view my newsletter, please go to the site below.